Doors open 4:30pm
Concert begins 5:00pm
On night 2 of the festival, there will be a dynamic performance by the musical trio of Miri Yampolsky, Maria Ioudenitch and Timotheos Petrin, playing a moving, all-Shostakovich program, followed by a screening of Lady Macbeth: Shostakovich's Banned Masterpiece. The film will be introduced by Raisa Fomina, Director and Founder of Intercinema, a leading distributor of Russian films.
After the film there will be a performance by quartet and quintet featuring the performers above, as well as Noah Geller, Igor Khukhua, Mark Gibbs, Alexey Goribol, Chung-Hoon Peter Chun, and Ben Sayevich.
A message from Irina Shostakovich, wife of Dmitiri Shostakovich...
"I am happy to welcome an effort by two remarkable musicians, Stanislav Ioudenitch and Alexey Goribol, to host a Shostakovich chamber music festival in Kansas. Shostakovich’s music received wide acclaim in the United States after his First Symphony’s debut in Philadelphia. Its influence lives on. The program is built with exquisite taste and deep understanding of the world of Shostakovich’s music. I am sure that the festival will be appreciated by listeners and will be received as an important music event."